In form, by adopting free style poems and breaking the traditional rhyme of sonnet, he used the literary such techniques as long sentences, repetition, vowel rhyme and enumeration, expressed his feelings. 形式上,他采用自由体诗,打破传统的十四行诗的韵律,像惠特曼一样采用长句、重复、叠韵、罗列等技巧表达自己的情感。
3, Retroflex final shape after high-frequency use, the main vowel will gradually change over a long period of adjustment instead, the complex more retroflex final summary, the gradual reduction in the number of rhyme categories system gradually simplified. 儿化韵形成之后,在高频率的使用中,主要元音会渐渐变化,经过长期的调整归并,儿化韵由繁趋简,数目逐渐减少,韵类系统逐渐简化。